2019 Ortoha Youth Camp Begins This Sunday!
The week we’ve been waiting for all year has finally arrived! High schoolers will be kicking off the youth camp season at Ortoha this coming Sunday, July 21st. Check out the full 2019 camp schedule below, in addition to details about Mission Fest Sunday, and the staff who will be serving our high school campers this year.
2019 Camp Schedule:
High School Week
Sun. July 21 - Fri. July 26
Registration opens on Sunday at 3 pm, camp starts at 5 pm
Camp ends at 1 pm on Friday
Grade School Week
Sun. July 28 - Thur. Aug. 1
Registration opens on Sunday at 3 pm, camp starts at 5 pm
Camp ends at 3 pm on Thursday
Middle School Week
Sun. Aug. 4 - Thur. Aug 8
Registration opens on Sunday at 3 pm, camp starts at 5 pm
Camp ends at 3 pm on Thursday
Mission Fest Sunday & Potluck
Your are invited! Please join us for church in the Gazebo building at Camp Ortoha on Sunday, July 28th at 11 am. This is a cherished annual tradition, as well as an excellent opportunity to worship God surrounded by His beautiful creation. Our speaker will be Clark Kraemer, and his message is titled "Living Life with Your Hands Open." Our world-famous potluck will follow the service. Feel free to stay as long as you like and take advantage of the close proximity to Lost Lake, Strawberry Mountain, and the Big Trees. Mark your calendars - we look forward to seeing you there!
Meet the High School Week Staff:
Cooks: Amy Schertlin & Rev. Alan Visser
This is an incredible father/daughter duo who have come together for yet another year of service and delicious flavors!
Amy is an Ortoha alumni and her father acted as a speaker at camp on many occasions. They have traveled a long way to be here, but they’re enthusiasm for the Ortoha experience, and their mastery in the kitchen is sure to bless our campers greatly!
Speakers: Rev. Steve Nickodemus & Rev. Tim Winterstein
Both pastors have been speakers at Ortoha before and they’re dedicated to the good work God is doing through the ministry of Camp Ortoha. We’re so thankful to have them!